佛教葬礼 Can Be Fun For Anyone

佛教中的葬礼旨在谦虚、尊重和哀悼。 佛教葬礼倾向于强调生命循环(称为轮回)重生的概念,而不是死者进入来世的通道。

Reflecting on the Person’s Life: Loved ones could replicate on The nice deeds the person accomplished of their lifetime.


Supplying of cloth on behalf of your dead (mataka-vastra-puja): In advance of a cremation or perhaps a burial (depends on the will of your useless man or woman or his/her relations), on the deceased's property or cemetery, the funeral's presiding monastics are offered a white cloth being subsequently stitched into monastic robes.



在印度恆河邊的瓦拉納西,印度教徒相信在當地死去並火化即可脫離塵世與肉體的痛苦。 非宗教葬禮[编辑]

早期基督徒大多葬在教堂旁边的墓园,后来随著火葬等新兴葬礼形式的出现,基督徒的丧葬方式也多了一些选择。 伊斯兰教[编辑]

很少有人想不留痕迹地离开这个世界,我们所说的痕迹是指碳足迹。 是的,有些人希望他们的追悼会对环境安全 …

Between Buddhists, Demise is considered to be one of many occasions of big spiritual importance, both of those with the deceased and for the survivors. With the deceased, it marks the moment in the event the transition commences to a fresh manner of existence inside the round of rebirths (see Bhavacakra). When Loss of life happens, every one of the karmic forces that the dead particular person gathered in the course of the program of their life span become activated and establish the following rebirth.

Soon after prolonged meditation, the meditator continues in the bardo or simply to enlightenment. Terrific masters will often be cremated, as well as their ashes saved as relics in stupas.



Submit-death ritual. Your body with the deceased is usually left without the need of disturbance to make sure the tranquil exit can a filipino file divorce abroad of your soul from your body. 

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